Canada. National Defence - Sexual Misconduct Response Centre
Confidential call-in support services counseling information and advice on reporting referrals to resources |
Métis Nation of Ontario - Healing and Wellness Branch - Victim Services Program
Culturally relevant victim services advocacy access to cultural supports and community groups and circles to support healing referrals to relevant community agencies and programs, and… |
Ontario Legal Information Centre
The Centre offers legal information and referral services on a confidential basis: offering legal information and referral services offering public legal education presentations to its… |
Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre
Servicessupport, information, and short-term counselling services to individuals who have experienced sexual or gender-based violencesupport groups and workshopsaccompaniment to court, hospital or policecommunity educationcommunity-based drop-in… |
Immigrant Women Services Ottawa
Crisis Intervention and Counselling Service: crisis intervention short-and long-term counselling information, referral and support services support to victims of war and trauma support and information… |
Persons Against the Crime of Trafficking in Humans
Non-governmental organization recognizes human dignity and promotes the well-being of all trafficked persons, including persons who have been trafficked from other countries, as well as… |
Lowertown Community Resource Centre
This Centre providesInformation, intercession and referral servicesCrisis interventionFood bank services and other food security strategiesSupport to complete an application for the Ontario Hydro Cost Assistance… |
Ottawa Victim Services - Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario
Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) - program of last resort when no other available private or public resource is availableOn-site early intervention and crisis intervention:needs… |
Counselling and Family Service Ottawa - Family Violence / Sexual Abuse Support Services - Francophone Children Victims / Witnesses of Women Abuse
Programs, support groups and educational information for Francophone children who have witnessed violence towards their mothersindividual and group counsellinghelp with understand abuse against women, finding… |
Counselling and Family Service Ottawa - Family Violence / Sexual Abuse Support Services - Family Violence Program
Individual and group counselling information sessions for partners, family and friends workshops education through presentations and special eventsProgram for Francophone women who have experienced sexual… |