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Partner Abuse

Includes abuse committed by a wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, same-sex partner, or common-law partner. This sub-topic also includes legal information on safety plans and date rape.

Some indicators of legal issues

What the clients may say:

  • "There was a fight in my home and someone called the police."
  • "I'm not living at home right now because I don,t feel safe when I'm with my partner."

Legal Services and Information

Records for Partner Abuse
Title Description
Distress Centre of Ottawa and Region Distress line confidential telephone listening and crisis intervention service educational services are available to schools and community groups on a variety of topics including suicide…
Eastern Ottawa Resource Centre - Services for Abused Women Counsellors available by telephone, virtually by Zoom or Teams and/or in person. Access to support services for abused women crisis intervention information and referral support…
Western Ottawa Community Resource Centre - Chrysalis House Transition house that provides emergency shelter and support to abused self-identified women and gender-diverse individuals and their dependents.Services include: 24-hour crisis line crisis support counselling…
Family Law Education for Women Campaign - METRAC Action on Violence Online resource of plain language legal information on women's rights under Ontario family law webinar recordings posted regularly on website how to find help with…
Ontario Women's Justice Network Legal information website promotes an understanding of the law with respect to violence against women provides legal information to women and their supporters that reflects…

Social Services and Information

Ottawa Social Services