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Powers of Attorney [POA]

Some indicators of legal issues

What the clients may say:

  • "I don’t know what happens if I don’t have a power of attorney for personal care or property."
  • "I wrote a Power of Attorney, but I’ve changed my mind about the person I chose."
  • "I don’t know who to name in my Power of Attorney."
  • "I don’t want machines to keep me alive if I’m in a terrible accident or get really sick."
  • "My sibling makes health-care decisions for our sick parent and I don’t agree with his/her choices."
  • "The person in charge of my sick parent’s finances has been withdrawing large amounts of money from his/her bank account."

Legal Services and Information

Records for Powers of Attorney [POA]
Title Description
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Advocacy Centre for the Elderly Community legal clinic representation in cases involving issues of particular importance to seniors, such as long term care, hospital discharge issues, elder abuse, government pensions,…
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General - Power of Attorney Kit Online Online tool that will help someone appoint the person they want to make decisions for them when they are no longer able to do so…

Social Services and Information

Ottawa Social Services