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Assault and Criminal Harassment

Includes sexual assault (rape) and stalking.

Some indicators of legal issues

What the clients may say:

  • "My ex-partner keeps calling me and showing up at my classes, even though I told him/her to stop."
  • "My ex-partner posted photos, rude comments and lies about me on Facebook."

Legal Services and Information

Records for Assault and Criminal Harassment
Title Description
Ontario Legal Information Centre The Centre offers legal information and referral services on a confidential basis: offering legal information and referral services offering public legal education presentations to its…
Fem'aide - Ligne de soutien pour les femmes touchées par la violence - Fem'aide - Ligne de soutien pour les femmes touchées par la violence Free, confidential 24-hour support and helpline for French-speaking women in Ontario supports and connects survivors of violence to community services victims and survivors of violence…
University of Ottawa - Community Legal Clinic Student Legal Aid Services Society clinic staffed by students and supervised by lawyers provides legal services to low-income members of the community conducts legal education…
ABLE2 - Reach Legal Services COVID-19 (July 12, 2021): Reach's Legal Referral program is accepting calls from clients with disabilities in Ottawa and the Champlain region who require legal assistance.…
JusticeNet Non-profit organization links individuals seeking legal advice that are unable to obtain legal advice due to high cost or due to their ineligibility to obtain…

Social Services and Information

Ottawa Social Services