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Other Consumer Protection Issues

Includes other issues in consumer protection, such as Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs), gift cards, cell phone contracts, and private career colleges.

Some indicators of legal issues

What the clients may say:

  • "I'm going to a private career college, but I'm not learning the things I need to know."

Legal Services and Information

Records for Other Consumer Protection Issues
Title Description
Ontario Legal Information Centre The Centre offers legal information and referral services on a confidential basis: offering legal information and referral services offering public legal education presentations to its…
Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic Student-centered research and advocacy on technology-related policy and law reformUpper year and graduate law students assist clinic lawyers in: researching issues and drafting reports and…
Canada. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada - Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy ensures that bankruptcies and insolvencies are conducted in a fair and orderly manner debtor assistance help finding a bankruptcy…
ABLE2 - Reach Legal Services Legal services for individuals living with disabilities educates and informs persons with disabilities, family members, lawyers and the general public about the rights and interests…
Council on Aging of Ottawa (The) Advocacy group on seniors' issuesVolunteer opportunitiesVolunteer-run committees meet to discuss the following seniors issues: Age-Friendly Ottawa: group working with the City of Ottawa, community partners,…
JusticeNet Non-profit organization links individuals seeking legal advice that are unable to obtain legal advice due to high cost or due to their ineligibility to obtain…
Advocacy Centre for the Elderly Community legal clinic representation in cases involving issues of particular importance to seniors, such as long term care, hospital discharge issues, elder abuse, government pensions,…
Ontario. Ministry of Government and Consumer Services - Consumer Services Operations Division Information to consumers and businesses through an automated voice-processing system provides advice and information to consumers about their rights and responsibilities in the marketplace monitors…
Travel Industry Council of Ontario TICO will address a complaint only after the consumer has made an attempt to resolve the matter directly with the travel agency and/or travel wholesale…

Social Services and Information

Ottawa Social Services