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Telephone Lines

Social Services and Information

Records for Telephone Lines
Title Description
Ottawa. City Operations - By-law and Regulatory Services - Enforcement and Inspections Municipal By-law and Regulatory Services BranchBy-laws include: animal care and control care of streets minimum temperature (rental units) parking inadequate yard maintenance business licensing discharge…
Ottawa. City Operations - 3-1-1 Information line provides information about accessing emergency services municipal government resource information
Fem'aide - Ligne de soutien pour les femmes touchées par la violence - Fem'aide - Ligne de soutien pour les femmes touchées par la violence Free, confidential 24-hour support and helpline for French-speaking women in Ontario supports and connects survivors of violence to community services victims and survivors of violence…
Minwaashin Lodge - Indigenous Women's Support Centre - Oshki Kizis Lodge 22-bed Aboriginal specific shelter provides a safe and supportive environment 24-hour residential support advocacy individual and group counselling community/transitional support housing support referrals legal advocacy…
Ottawa. City Operations - Better Homes Ottawa Guide to home energy efficiency retrofits aims to support local residents to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissionsrebates, incentives and financing programsenergy consumption assessmentcounseling…
Ottawa. City Operations - Ottawa Police Service - Human Trafficking Unit Team of specialized officers available to meet on a confidential and informal basis with individuals, families or frontline workers on potential cases or for information…
Parent Resource Centre Family support resource programs and comprehensive training for professionalsDrop-Ins: For parents, caregivers and children up to six years of age circle time, age-appropriate toys, books…
Parent Resource Centre - Family Resilience Program Provides client-centered, trauma-informed parenting support services with minimal access barriers support service for vulnerable high-risk families (parents and children aged 0-18) who are not connected…
Nelson House of Ottawa-Carleton Temporary first stage emergency shelter for abused women and their children 24-hour crisis counselling phone line
Community Navigation of Eastern Ontario - 211 Eastern Region Contact Centre Confidential information and referral service trained specialists assess caller needs and offer referral and advocacy to assist persons in accessing appropriate health, social, government, community…

Legal Services and Information

Legal Services