Includes information on applying to be recognized by Canada as a refugee.
Some indicators of legal issues
What the clients may say:
- "I’m afraid I’ll be persecuted for my religious beliefs if I return to my home country."
- "I was raped in my home country and the police didn’t help me."
- "I was persecuted in my home country because of my race."
- "I have a same-sex partner and I’m afraid to go back to my home country because of a new law criminalizing homosexuality."
- "I am a journalist and was threatened in my home country because of my political opinions."
- "My business was attacked because I am from an ethnic minority group."
- "I need extra support during my refugee hearing because of my mental disability."
- "I am a child making a refugee claim by myself, so I need extra support during my refugee hearing."
Legal Services and Information
Title | Description |
Ontario Legal Information Centre | The Centre offers legal information and referral services on a confidential basis: offering legal information and referral services offering public legal education presentations to its… |
Canada. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada | Governmental information centre the Client Support Centre can answer questions about immigration, refugees and citizenship services and programs, and on status of an application in… |
Community Legal Services of Ottawa | Provides free legal services for low income residents of Ottawa: housing law (tenants or co-op members only - not landlords), like evictions and repairs immigration… |
Vanier Community Services Centre - Clinique juridique francophone d'Ottawa | Legal services for low-income francophones living in the East end of Ottawa in different areas of law such as:ImmigrationHousing (problems between tenants and landlords only)Ontario… |
Vanier Community Services Centre - Ligne d'information juridique | Provides summary legal advice in French in the following areas: Immigration law Family Law Housing law (tenant representation only) Labour Law - Employment Standards Employment… |
ABLE2 - Reach Legal Services | Legal services for individuals living with disabilities educates and informs persons with disabilities, family members, lawyers and the general public about the rights and interests… |
Community Legal Services of Ottawa | Provides free legal services for low income residents of Ottawa: housing law (tenants or co-op members only - not landlords), like evictions and repairs immigration… |
Community Legal Services of Ottawa | Provides free legal services for low income residents of Ottawa: housing law (tenants or co-op members only - not landlords), like evictions and repairs immigration… |
Canada. Border Services Agency | Provides commercial and passenger services customs office classified as non direct point of entry providing a full range of customs services to the general public… |
JusticeNet | Non-profit organization links individuals seeking legal advice that are unable to obtain legal advice due to high cost or due to their ineligibility to obtain… |