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Tenant Organizing

Includes tenant associations.

Legal Services and Information

Records for Tenant Organizing
Title Description
Ontario Legal Information Centre The Centre offers legal information and referral services on a confidential basis: offering legal information and referral services offering public legal education presentations to its…
Community Legal Services of Ottawa Provides free legal services for low income residents of Ottawa: housing law (tenants or co-op members only - not landlords), like evictions and repairs immigration…
Action Housing Housing loss prevention services to low and moderate income individuals and families (including newcomers) information and guidance to help with housing search on private market…
Vanier Community Services Centre - Clinique juridique francophone d'Ottawa Legal services for low-income francophones living in the East end of Ottawa in different areas of law such as:ImmigrationHousing (problems between tenants and landlords only)Ontario…
Vanier Community Services Centre - Ligne d'information juridique Provides summary legal advice in French in the following areas: Immigration law Family Law Housing law (tenant representation only) Labour Law - Employment Standards Employment…
Community Legal Services of Ottawa Provides free legal services for low income residents of Ottawa: housing law (tenants or co-op members only - not landlords), like evictions and repairs immigration…
Housing Help A one-stop, drop-in service to help people with their practical housing problemsAssistance regarding: housing emergencies evictions maintenance and repair problems illegal rentsInformation: applications for subsidized…
Community Legal Services of Ottawa Provides free legal services for low income residents of Ottawa: housing law (tenants or co-op members only - not landlords), like evictions and repairs immigration…
Ottawa Community Housing Corporation Offers social and affordable housing for people with low and moderate incomes and collaborates with partners to foster safe and healthy communities. Rentals include townhomes,…
Landlord's Self-Help Centre Incorporated non-profit organization provides information, assistance and educational programs to Ontario's small-scale landlords free of charge

Social Services and Information

Ottawa Social Services