Human Trafficking
Includes recruiting, transporting, or harbouring people for the purposes of exploitation.
Some indicators of legal issues
What the clients may say:
- "I came to Canada to work as a live-in carefiver. My boss has taken my passport and forces me to work long hours without pay. He/she has threatened to have me deported if I tell anybody."
- "I'm afraid my partner will hurt me or break up with me if I stop having sex for money."
Legal Services and Information
Title | Description |
Ontario Legal Information Centre | The Centre offers legal information and referral services on a confidential basis: offering legal information and referral services offering public legal education presentations to its… |
University of Ottawa - Community Legal Clinic | Student Legal Aid Services Society clinic staffed by students and supervised by lawyers provides legal services to low-income members of the community conducts legal education… |
ABLE2 - Reach Legal Services | Legal services for individuals living with disabilities educates and informs persons with disabilities, family members, lawyers and the general public about the rights and interests… |
Ottawa Coalition to End Human Trafficking | Community-based, volunteer network of local organizations, service providers and community members that represent a variety of sectors works to meet the acute, immediate and long-term… |
JusticeNet | Non-profit organization links individuals seeking legal advice that are unable to obtain legal advice due to high cost or due to their ineligibility to obtain… |