Partner Abuse
Includes abuse committed by a wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, same-sex partner, or common-law partner. This sub-topic also includes legal information on safety plans and date rape.
Some indicators of legal issues
What the clients may say:
- "There was a fight in my home and someone called the police."
- "I'm not living at home right now because I don,t feel safe when I'm with my partner."
Legal Services and Information
Title | Description |
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General - Superior Court of Justice - Family Law Information Centre | Resource centre that provides the public with information and education to help them deal with family law issues likeseparation and divorcefamily law issuesfamily justice servicesalternative… |
Ontario Legal Information Centre | The Centre offers legal information and referral services on a confidential basis: offering legal information and referral services offering public legal education presentations to its… |
Fem'aide - Ligne de soutien pour les femmes touchées par la violence - Fem'aide - Ligne de soutien pour les femmes touchées par la violence | Free, confidential 24-hour support and helpline for French-speaking women in Ontario supports and connects survivors of violence to community services victims and survivors of violence… |
University of Ottawa - Community Legal Clinic | Student Legal Aid Services Society clinic staffed by students and supervised by lawyers provides legal services to low-income members of the community conducts legal education… |
Ottawa. City Operations - Ottawa Police Service - Intimate Partner Violence | Community police centres investigates partner assaults and domestic conflict investigates custody and access orders, as well as parental abductions conducts criminal harassment investigations relating to… |
Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime | Victims support groupServices help to obtain needed services and resources help navigating criminal justice continuum deal with post-trial agencies (Correctional Service Canada and Parole Board… |
Maison d'amitié | Francophone shelter for women who are victims of violence, and their children two sites can accommodate single women and families emergency and temporary housing crisis… |
Ottawa Victim Services - Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario | Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) - program of last resort when no other available private or public resource is availableOn-site early intervention and crisis intervention:needs… |
Interval House of Ottawa | Temporary emergency shelter for people fleeing abuse and violence, alongside their dependents and pets reasonable, flexible limit on length of stay counselling referrals advocacy telephone… |
Nelson House of Ottawa-Carleton | Temporary first stage emergency shelter for abused women and their children 24-hour crisis counselling phone line |