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Partner Abuse

Includes abuse committed by a wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, same-sex partner, or common-law partner. This sub-topic also includes legal information on safety plans and date rape.

Some indicators of legal issues

What the clients may say:

  • "There was a fight in my home and someone called the police."
  • "I'm not living at home right now because I don,t feel safe when I'm with my partner."

Legal Services and Information

Records for Partner Abuse
Title Description
Ontario. Ministry of the Attorney General - Superior Court of Justice - Family Law Information Centre Resource centre that provides the public with information and education to help them deal with family law issues likeseparation and divorcefamily law issuesfamily justice servicesalternative…
Ontario Legal Information Centre The Centre offers legal information and referral services on a confidential basis: offering legal information and referral services offering public legal education presentations to its…
Fem'aide - Ligne de soutien pour les femmes touchées par la violence - Fem'aide - Ligne de soutien pour les femmes touchées par la violence Free, confidential 24-hour support and helpline for French-speaking women in Ontario supports and connects survivors of violence to community services victims and survivors of violence…
University of Ottawa - Community Legal Clinic Student Legal Aid Services Society clinic staffed by students and supervised by lawyers provides legal services to low-income members of the community conducts legal education…
Ottawa. City Operations - Ottawa Police Service - Intimate Partner Violence Community police centres investigates partner assaults and domestic conflict investigates custody and access orders, as well as parental abductions conducts criminal harassment investigations relating to…
Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime Victims support groupServices help to obtain needed services and resources help navigating criminal justice continuum deal with post-trial agencies (Correctional Service Canada and Parole Board…
Maison d'amitié Francophone shelter for women who are victims of violence, and their children two sites can accommodate single women and families emergency and temporary housing crisis…
Ottawa Victim Services - Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario Victim Quick Response Program+ (VQRP+) - program of last resort when no other available private or public resource is availableOn-site early intervention and crisis intervention:needs…
Interval House of Ottawa Temporary emergency shelter for people fleeing abuse and violence, alongside their dependents and pets reasonable, flexible limit on length of stay counselling referrals advocacy telephone…
Nelson House of Ottawa-Carleton Temporary first stage emergency shelter for abused women and their children 24-hour crisis counselling phone line

Social Services and Information

Ottawa Social Services